Both Collections and Layouts can each be assigned Default Values for the Scale and Category fields. Each time you add an Item to the Collection or Layout with default values assigned, the appropriate fields are already filled in on the Add Item page.
Setting Default Values For A Collection
1. From your "My Control Panel" page, click the Collections icon to go to your "My Collections" page.
2. Scroll to the Collection for which you want to set Default Values and click the "Collection Details" link at the top of the appropriate Collection. This will bring you to the "Collection" page.
3. The left side of the "Collection" page has a box titled "Collection Settings". Inside this box you'll find an input field allowing you to edit the name of your Collection, and just below that, you'll see to check boxes as seen below.
4. As seen in the picture above, the name of the Collection is "Buildings I Built". So let's say you want to set the default Category value to "Building" so that every time you add an Item to the "Buildings I Built" Collection, the Category field will be pre-filled with the value "Building". Simply place a check in the checkbox that says "Use a default ’Category’ value". A drop-down list will appear below at as seen in the following picture.
5. Now we would select the value "Building" from the drop-down list and click the "Save Changes" button.
Go to See Default Values In Action to see how they work on the Add Item page.
Setting Default Values For A Layout
1. From your "My Control Panel" page, click the Layouts icon to go to your "My Layouts" page.
2. Scroll to the Layout for which you want to set Default Values and click the "Edit Layout" link at the top of the appropriate Layout. This will bring you to the "Layout" page.
3. On the left side of the "Layout" page, just below the input field allowing you to edit the name of your Layout, you'll find a box titled "Default Values" as seen below.
4. For illustrative purposes, we're going to set the default Scale value to "HO Scale" and the Category value to "Train"
so that every time you add an Item to this "Main Table" Layout, the Scale field will be pre-filled with the value "HO Scale" and
the Category field will be pre-filled with the value "Train".
Simply place a check in the checkbox that says "Use a default ’Scale’ value" as well as in the checkbox that says
"Use a default ’Category’ value".
A drop-down list will appear below at as seen in the following picture.
5. Now we would select the value "HO Scale" from the Scale drop-down list and select the value "Train" from the Category drop-down list and then click the "Save Layout" button.
See Default Values In Action
In the previous sections, Setting Default Values For A Collection and Setting Default Values For A Layout, we set Default Values for a Collection and a Layout as follows:
1. To get to the Add Item page, we'll start by adding an Item to the Collection "Buildings I Built". The Add Item page will have the "Collection" field pre-filled with the value "Buildings I Built" because that's the Collection to which we're adding the Item. The "Category" field will also be pre-filled with the value "Building" because that's the Default Value that we set for the "Buildings I Built" Collection.
2. Now let's also assign this new Item to the "Main Table" Layout by opening the "Layout" drop-down list and selecting the value "Main Table".
We will now see that the "Scale" field has been automatically filled in with the value "HO Scale" because that's the Default Value that we set for the "Main Table" Layout. But wait... we also set a Default Value for the "Category" field for the "Main Table" Layout as well, so why didn't it change the value in the "Category" field from "Building" to "Train"? This is because the Default Values ONLY pre-fill a field IF that field is already empty.
Removing Default Values
Removing a Default Value from a Collection or Layout is as simple as unchecking the checkbox of the Default Value and clicking Save on the appropriate Collection or Layout editing page. See Setting Default Values For A Collection and Setting Default Values For A Layout above for more info.